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Worldcast Systems - Radio & TV Broadcast Solutions

New Script to Enable Main/Backup Switching on your APT IP Codec

  Oct 5, 2017

With ScriptEasy in your APT IP Codec, you can ensure that your site acts intelligently to keep you on air!

The beauty of ScriptEasy lies in its ability to be customized to your requirements and make your equipment react exactly how you want it to. However, we recognize that there are several common scenarios where broadcasters worldwide want to achieve the same thing and staying on air is one of the most important! 

Therefore we aim to provide example scripts for the most common & useful actions to help you get up & running as quickly and easily as possible. 

This new script enables Main/Back-up Switching between a main AES/EBU signal from a local source such as a satellite receiver or FM Receiver and a back-up signal from an IP Codec. 

Note: A breakout cable is required to connect the digital signals to the relays in the IP codec.

This can be purchased from WorldCast Systems. Contact your Sales Manager for details.

You can download the Script here.