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Worldcast Systems - Radio & TV Broadcast Solutions


  Jan 11, 2019

Itelazpi launches a pilot in its Orio-Zarautz broadcast center to evaluate SmartFM, a technology that uses artificial intelligence to improve the efficiency of radio services, reduce energy consumption and help reduce CO2 emissions.

SmartFm logoArtificial intelligence is a new technology that, along with other technologies such as IoT or BigData, fits within a framework commonly referred to as Digital Transformation. The broadcasting sector is no stranger to this digitization and thanks to it, SmartFM was developed. This new technology that uses artificial intelligence to improve the energy efficiency of FM radio broadcasts.

Itelazpi maintains a strong commitment to innovation, with new technologies constituting an undeniable framework of interest. That's why Itelazpi technical staff specializing in the field of radio and television, today conducted the first SmartFM performance tests, to begin benefiting from significant energy savings.

The tests were carried out from the broadcasting center called "Orio-Zarautz", located in the municipality of AIA (Gipuzkoa), from which Itelazpi broadcasts the main FM stations of the EiTB group. The displaced technicians were able to check, based on the first measurements, the level of savings achieved in terms of energy, and therefore of CO2 emissions. These measures are fundamental to properly evaluate the return on investment of the technology that should be invested in this technology, a priori with great benefits, not only on the economic side (cost savings), but also from the environmental viewpoint.

SmartFM, is a pioneering technology developed by the WorldCast Systems manufacturing company, which has been supplying ECRESO FM transmitters for the Orio-Zarautz broadcast center. SmartFM, using artificial intelligence, implements an algorithm able to adapt the transmission power in real time according to the different variables constituting the input signal of the transmitter. The result is an energy reduction of 10% to 40%, thus contributing to the company’s commitment to reducing CO2 emissions.

Itelazpi engineer performing measurements with the SmartFM system

Itelazpi engineer performing measurements with the SmartFM system


Ecreso FM Transmitter System from WorldCast Systems

 Ecreso FM Transmitter System from WorldCast Systems

Broadcast center of Orio-Zarautz

Broadcast center of Orio-Zarautz

