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Worldcast Systems - Radio & TV Broadcast Solutions

WorldCast Audemat DAB Probe Monitors Signal Quality

  Jan 11, 2019

BORDEAUX-MÉRIGNAC, France — Audemat, the RF signal measurement, monitoring, and facility management brand of WorldCast Systems has expanded its monitoring expertise to include DAB, DAB+ and DMB applications.

Audemat DAB probe

The Audemat DAB Probe is WorldCast Systems’ flagship product for monitoring DAB signal quality and service continuity, at the transmitter site or in a coverage area. WorldCast Systems’ Audemat DAB Probe enables remote monitoring of a set list of channels and allows users to verify the conformity of their DAB network with both legislation and their broadcasting needs.

Designed for installation in SFN or MFN networks [Single or Multiple Frequency Networks], the Audemat DAB Probe features a web interface, alarm notification by email or SNMP traps, and is equipped with telemetry board and audio output connectors.

In addition, says the firm, the software tools provide in-depth signal and content analysis with impulse response representation, TII, audio or ETI recording, and more. Designed for monitoring of the user experience, Audemat DAB Probe includes visual slideshows, DLS and services display to enable users to hear and see in real-time the same content as their audience of listeners.

Sources: Radioworld