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Worldcast Systems - Radio & TV Broadcast Solutions


WorldCast Systems has recently announced the launching of the evolution of its APTmpX solution, its MPX/composite compression algorithm. The solution is designed to lower the hardware and distribution costs associated with FM network architecture. The company says that, “despite the advent of the internet and digital broadcasting new technologies have had to be created to enable an FM-centric workflow to also work for internet delivery”.

The initial version of APTmpX, launched in October 2020, offered FM broadcasters access to compression for the resulting centralized FM MPX/Composite transmission. That solution provided an improvement in the <900kbps region. However, the new three versions offer new levels of compression at 600, 400 or 300kbps network bandwidth. The composite signal can now directly be transported with non-destructive compression from 600kbps down to 300kbps. APTmpX is able to interface to analog or digital MPX sources and receivers. For FM-SFN applications is fully compatible with SynchroStream.