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Worldcast Systems - Radio & TV Broadcast Solutions

We are glad to be present at NRB 2024!

We will be present with BGS, our local dealer, at the world's largest gathering of christian communicators! 

During this event we will share with you where the current situation, trends, and future of the radio market.

Come and see Tony Peterle, our WorldCast Systems expert, at the BGS booth!

More information on the show here 

Want to book a meeting with us while you are at the show or just ask us a question ? Please contact us by clicking below. 


NRB Highlights


Ecreso FM AiO Series

Ecreso FM 100W - AiO Series

New Low-Power Transmitters

AiO Series is the latest generation of FM transmitters, designed to lower the total cost of ownership. The new Ecreso FM AiO Series delivers the highest efficiency on the market, broadcasters benefit from up to 76% efficiency. Now available in 100W, 300W, 600W and 1kW. 

Looking for a mega deal on your next FM transmitter? Ask about our NEW Ecreso Transmitter Packs.


SmartFM Technology

A New Paradigm In Energy Savings

SmartFM is a sophisticated, worldwide AI, which enables broadcasters to reduce their energy costs by up to 40% without any compromise on the audio quality and coverage.


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