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Worldcast Systems - Radio & TV Broadcast Solutions

"What Happens If...?" Find out What Happens to the Ecreso FM 10kW when problems occur...

  Oct 9, 2017

The latest in our series of Technotes on the Ecreso FM 10kW Transmitter outlines the redundancy capabilities of the "As Solid as a 1+1" system.

The document outlines the output power you can expect from the system should an issue occur with one or multiple individual components and shows how the built-in redundancy provides a highly robust and reliable transmitter capable of keeping you on air even in the most difficult of circumstances!

Also in this series, are the following Tech Notes:

How Intelligent Transmitter Design Can Deliver 1+1 Levels of Performance 

Maximizing Transmitter Efficiency: A Study of the Ecreso FM 10kW

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